You see, you don’t.

Of my most innocent days, of admiring colors in the wings of a butterfly, and days of staring blankly at the rain or tucking myself in bed only to feel cozy in the warmth I am in, emphasized by the cold, I had once wished for Harry Potter’s cloak too. I was certain I wanted to make myself disappear.

And then one day my little heart understood why comics were labeled ‘Marvel’. These didn’t contain fairytales but you would marvel by the idea, your imagination would thrive in the stories, devouring every ounce of fiction. I once dreamt of getting superpowers too.

I now come at the age where I stare at my old self, because my comic spent childhood is like a dream I woke up from. And now X-men to me means irrelevant. X-men. I don’t need special abilities. I grew up typical, and yes my imaginations and dreams thrived in books. I did go through a phase where I can be labeled a bookworm. And again I tell you, I am at this age now. And writers don’t need to bring me fiction. Because one day I met her, she is so beautiful and so perfect in her imperfections, and here I am, a typical.

One day I met her and woke up from my entire childhood. Harry Potter’s cloak, Marvel’s special powers, X-men abilities, fiction, see she proved to me that I did not need those things to be invisible.

When you forget to remember

It’s all downhill from here

passion’s fading

it gets easier

you start to hear the birds chirp again

in the mornings

when you woke up in the smell of brewed coffee

in the nights when you’re okay

watching a movie by yourself

when you’re not with him

and not lonely at the same time

when you’re eating homecooked dinner

and you forget to remember him



Her hair was of warm sandy color

billowing out in the breeze

it caught the smell of the ocean

pleasing through beauty and perfection

of eyes that seemed to capture heaven’s gate

eyes that never chanced to look at mine

an unblemished smile she owns

then I am caught thoughtfully abstracted

like a wild uproar

these feelings unbeknownst to her I hold.